Monday, November 13, 2006

Soup Tomato Shell Shed

Um. So nothing super spectacular this post. I've been super busy making art, but I always feel funny posting anything before it's been published, so I don't really have anything to post at the moment. I think it's a throwback to my non-disclosure days pre-freelance. Anyway, in the meantime, I thought I'd post something (anything!) so I don't go another month before posting again.

At the dayjob, we have to make lots of icons for vocab words and other things. Lots as in hundreds. They are a nice break from time to time. Nothing special. Except that the tomato is plotting to take over the world.

Done in photoshop.


Piotr said...

tomatoe shell soup, mmm--that sounds tasty!

Kactiguy said...

That is the BEST shed I have ever seen. You are so rad!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you noticed - I mean, thought I was onto something really special with that one. Someday when I'm feeling really inspired, I may try painting a Two Door Shed.


I know. Bold bold move.

Unknown said...

OK!! That soap makes me feel really hungry right now. :P