Saturday, February 12, 2005

Keane Eyes

Had an exciting morning "junking" about some of the more uh... interesting... parts of Salt Lake City. We found lots of eBay potential - but I found the treasure of the day: stacks and stacks of (Walter) Margaret Keane prints. There's just something creepy yet compelling (in a black velvet painting sort of way) about them, that I just had to have one. For a hefty 4 bucks, I'm now the proud owner of a print of Big-Eyed Carolers. Some look as if yowling in pain, the others just sad, despondent with the knowledge that Santa has forgotten them yet another year.

So if you've never had the pleasure of experiencing the phenomenon of "Waifs," "Keanes," or "Sad Eyes," - here ya go. Enjoy!
Keane Eyes Gallery

1 comment:

Otis Frampton said...

Very cool. Thanks for sharing! (and blogging)
